

The band started in the school year of 2000 with the name "Total Liberation".  The original line up was Stefan - Drums, Sick Bastard - Bass/Vox, and Paul SchiBe - Guitar/Vox.  Stefan, Sick Bastard, and Paul SchiBe did a lot of playing and released a 8 track demo which they recorded in Stefan's room.  The 3 peice got a gig with The Virus and The Riffs and another local band, The Abiotx.  About a month after the Virus show, Stefan decided he no longer wanted to drum for Total Liberation.  Stefan left Sick Bastard and Paul SchiBe on good terms and remains a good friend.  Sick Bastard and Paul SchiBe decided that they needed a new name beacuse there is no Total Liberation without Stefan.  Paul SchiBe had a neighbor (John Bradshaw) that gave them the band name Violent Rage.  Sick Bastard and Paul SchiBe liked the name and decided to use it.  So Violent Rage was one the loose.  Only one problem, no drummer.  Sick Bastard and Paul SchiBe met a friend name Lena.  Lena plays bass.  So Sick Bastard and Paul SchiBe invited Lena to join Violent Rage on bass.  The line up was Sick Bastard - Vox, Lena - Bass, Paul SchiBe - Guitar/Vox, and they still needed a drummer.  Through a friend by the name of '88, they found a drummer.  '88 knew Michelle who plays drums and was interested in joining Violent Rage.  We quickly contacted Michelle.  We played with Michelle for a while and played some great shows with Strap-Onz and The Virus.  We now have a new drummer Jon and we are very excited to start up with him.  We do not regret the times and shows we had with Michelle.  As of now the line up is Josh - Vocals, Lena - Bass, Paul - Guitar and Vocals, and Jon - Drums.